Current date: 02 May 24, Thursday | Server Time: 01:16
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Section: Quick Guide | Category: Missions
CQC - Close Quarters Combat

Blue Storm

Channel: CQC; Deatchmatch

Code named: Operation Blue Storm, the N.I.U. are attacking a small Derbaran Military garrison located at the port village of Santorilli. Santorilli has been long considered "Holy Ground" to many of the Derbaran tribes and the N.I.U.'s attack here proves they are desperate to gain control over the War Rock.

Rusty Nails

Channel: CQC; Deatchmatch

The endless civil war has taken its toll on the country's economy, both the Derbaran and N.I.U are desperate to gain advantage over each other with any means possible. The operation titled "Rusty Nail" is one such desperate attack to disrupt the enemy's supply line far behind the enemy lines, where it hurts the most.

Red Clover

Channel: CQC; Deatchmatch

The Derbaran commanders are desperately trying to turn the tide in the battle against the N.I.U. The war of attrition will not be won without risk, and a Special Forces unit is sent into a desert oasis village N.I.U. stronghold in order to retrieve precious documents.

Cold Cave

Channel: CQC; Deatchmatch

The N.I.U. has been using the broken-down, dilapidated subway system as supply routes throughout the cities of Derbaran. The Derbaran Military received intel on where valuable N.I.U. supplies are being stored in these tunnels and send a strike force for an all out attack.

Dark Glow

Channel: CQC; Deatchmatch

The repair facility codenamed “Dark Glow” is integral to the N.I.U. war effort. With limited access to commerce and funding, the N.I.U. must make the most out of what they have.


Channel: CQC; Explosive/FFA

NIU troops, with the help from Captain Ramazan, has found out the location to the secret Derbaran research base Artifact. The NIU troops have already made it inside and are planning to destroy the facility once and for all. The base is mostly abandoned however the remaining Derbaran security detail is determined to prevent NIU from destroying the research facility.


Channel: CQC; Explosive/FFA

Derbaran intelligence has discovered the location of an old warehouse that NIU is suspected to be using to transport supplies and bombs. There are two targets on this map: The Derbaran troops will try to destroy the train to stop NIU from transporting these supplies further inland. Inside the warehouse is the second target, a large crate that contains a prototype bomb that NIU troops stole from their raid on the Artifact research facility. NIU is expected to put up a fight as this is a crucial supply line for them.


Channel: CQC; Explosive/FFA

A small area known as the "Bloc" has become contested territory for its excellent sniper nest and scattered defensive barricades. Rebel troops are already in place, using higher ground for tactical superiority; the Derbaran Military forces will have to take the initiative and move quickly to avoid sniper fire.


Channel: CQC; Explosive/FFA

Marien provided the NIU with the perfect location for hiding a cache of sensitive equipment, but it was too good to last; a local policeman broke down and informed the Derbaran Military of the stash. A small squad was immediately diverted to the location, and a small firefight is now under way.


Channel: CQC; Explosive/FFA

With reports of rebel infiltration in remote locations, the Military has tightened border security, establishing chokepoints and seeking informants in previously ignored sectors – including the dry, desert-like Cadoro, where the NIU is to receive a large shipment of firearms and ammunition.


Channel: CQC; Explosive/FFA

The NIU established an operational planning facility in Velruf, thinking it safe and relatively easy to defend. With this in mind, they called in a leadership envoy – who arrived just as the Derbaran launched an offensive.

Timed car bombs ripped apart the gates, and Military forces slipped through in the confusion. Sporadic firefights have broken out, and now the NIU must defend their op center as Military demolition men fan out to plant explosives.


Channel: CQC; Explosive/FFA

The rebels managed to kidnap a pair of military scientists, and quickly extracted sensitive information from them regarding the War Rock project. The Derbaran Military has already deployed a strike team to intercept, cutting off the NIU from their transmission equipment in the abandoned construction site known as Xauen.


Channel: CQC; Explosive/FFA

A rarity in the war-torn Derbaran, the still-operational Hotel Khyber features marble-lined hallways, chandeliers, and a central garden. The NIU are to meet several high-profile arms dealers here, sealing a heavy arms contract. Unfortunately for them, the Military is aware of the deal and plan to destroy the entire hotel while the transaction is in progress.


Channel: CQC; Explosive/FFA

The processing plants of Karaqum have picked up in activity since the war began, a fact not unnoticed by the rebels. Based on suspicions that the War Rock project has been relocated yet again, the NIU waited until dark and then detonated explosives packed aboard abandoned buses to spearhead their strike.


Channel: CQC; Explosive/FFA

The coliseum at Khali was in the middle of a military technology exposition when the NIU launched a surprise raid on the building complex, based on information gathered from The Bloc. Now, a Derbaran demo squad races against NIU troops to plant their explosives and deny the rebels access to precious War Rock research.


Channel: CQC; Explosive/FFA

NIU uses a secret location, code named "Beringia", to transport supplies to their own ships from civilian tanker ships in the area. Somehow the Derbaran troops have discovered this top secret location dispatched a group of elite paratroopers at the bow of the NIU tanker to sabotage this crucial NIU supply chain.

Date added: 02 May 24 | Added by: Guest | Views: 2145 | Source


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