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Hello Guest, you are reading a WarRock tutorial "How to change options"
Views: 3347
1. To open up a window with WarRock game options, you have to click on the button "Options". This button can be found in the menu block on the left-hand side.

2. So, the very first option is "GRAPHIC", where you can change your resolution, colour and graphics settings. Remember: If you change everything to maximum settings, the graphics in the game will be brilliant. Just make sure that the system requirements of your computer are high, otherwise you will lag and the performance of your computer will slow down during the gameplay.

3. The next option is "SOUND". Here you can change the volume of the:

  • Music Volume: This is music that plays in the background.

  • Sound Volume: Sounds that are made by clicking on the buttons, firing your gun, walking, running, etc... in WarRock.

4. Now, let's go to "CONTROL" option.

  • Use Joystick: If you do not want to use mouse and keyboard to play, you can use a controller. Make sure it is installed on your computer properly. Tick the box to play with your joystick.

    *Joystick Sensitivity: If you have it on low, it will be hard for you to look around during the gameplay. Have it on 50% or a little bit higher.

  • Use Mouse: Have the box ticked, if you want to play with the mouse and keyboard.

    *Mouse Smoothing: It makes it smooth to move the mouse but slowing the reaction because it's basically delaying the response. Not really good to use at games that requires a lot of reflex and response.
    *Mouse Sensitivity: Increase or decrease the sensitivity of the mouse.
    *Keyboard Smoothing: Reduces irratic movements. It smooths the transition of frames while moving.

  • Invert Mouse: During the gameplay, if you move the mouse to the right, the player will look to your left; to the left, the player will look to your right, etc...

  • Invert Mouse for Vehicle: When you are on a plane, by pressing the "UP/W" button, the plane will fly down; by pressing "DOWN/S" button, the plane will fly up.

  • Use Hit Indicator: When you shoot someone in the game, you cannot really tell if the bullet hit the person or not because of the accuracy and recoil. So, if you click the button "On", everytime you hit your enemy, the crosshair will flash with a red colour. If you leave the button as it is (Off), the crosshair will not flash.

  • Key Settings: This is where you can change the controls of your character's movements, actions, etc...

5. Let's move on to "EFFECT" option. Here, you will see the additional effects that can be added to the game to make it more realistic. To activate, tick the box beside "Shaders".

6. "GAME" is the last option. Click on it.

  • Connection Settings
    *Manual: If this is selected, then after logging in to the game, you will be able to select a server/channel manually.
    *Auto: If this option selected, on the right-hand side there will be a box with all the servers available to you. Click on a server that you like the most. Then everytime you login to the game, you will redirected to your favourite server.

  • Channel Preference: Everytime, after loggin in, you will be transferred to CQC automatically. If you wish to be transferred to CQC, UO or BG, click on the button "CQC', "UO" or "BG".

  • Game Tip & Vehicle Tips: If you are new to this game, by selecting this options, during the gameplay, a box will pop up with tips. For example, if you get in the vehicle, a window with tips "How to control the vehicle" will appear.

  • Status message: While playing on a map, you can chat with your team, clan members and your enemies. Everytime you talk to someone, your message will appear on the left-hand side of the screen. If you click on "Off", then you will not be able to see messages. We advise you to click on "On".

  • Ally Medic HP: If you are playing as a medic, select "On" to see your ally's HP, so then you can heal them and get points for that. If it is on "Off", you will not be able to see your ally's HP.

    When you are finished editing the options, click on the "SAVE" button. To set the options to default, click "RESET".

This tutorial was written by xSkyFli3rx, do NOT leech please. If you do, give credits, thanks.

warrock options, warrock game, warrock interface

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