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[Tutorial]How To Register
iiTzz_ViRuS Date: Wednesday, 08 Sep 10, 21:28 | Message # 1

User's Information
Rank name: Sergeant
Group: Administrators
Country: Ireland
Messages: 25
Reputation: 0

WR nickname: iitzvirus
1. Type in your email address. This address must be valid and active email, the reason for this is because you will have to activate your account.

2. After you type in your password. It must be a minimum of 6 characters and a maximum of 10 characters in length and must contain 1 number and 1 letter.

3. Next you must confirm the password you just entered, this must be the exact same as the one you entered above!

4. Then you enter your birthdate, you have to be older than 13 years of age, as this game is rated 'Teen' by the ERSB®.

5. You must then pick a security question from the dropdown box. This is used to prove that it is you if you forget your password and need to recover it.

6. After you pick a security question from the dropdown box, you must type your answer. *!DO NOT TELL ANYONE THIS ANSWER!*

7. "Gamer ID" is the ID you use to sign into WarRock and

8. "Nickname" is the name people identify you by, while playing WarRock online.

9. Next you must enter the CAPTCHA code in the box, this is used to prove you are a human and not a 'bot'.

10. Now you must click the "I have read and agree to the Terms of Use and End User License Agreement" box. It is a contract to GamersFirst© that you must not break, e.g. by hacking, stealing passwords, "power-leveling" etc, if you break it GamersFirst© reserve the right to close your account a any moment without notice.

11. You can un-click this box if you want, but the GamersFirst© news letter can have some handy information on it. Some of this information include sales, game offers, promotions, special events and contests, etc.

12. Now you click "JOIN NOW!"

13. This is what it should look like when you finish.


This was written by iiTzz_ViRuS, do NOT leech please. If you do, give credits, thanks.

44% | iitzvirus | Level: 18 | K/D/R: 1.49 | Clan: None | Retail: AI_AW | Favourite Game Type: Team Death Match | Favourite Gun: M249
Website status: Offline
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