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Hello Guest, you are reading a WarRock tutorial "How to navigate through Item Shop"
Views: 1161
1. First of all, click on the "Item Shop" button, which can be found on the bottom left-hand side.

2. Now, you are in the item shop. Let's look at your character and inventory.

*1. On the top, you will see buttons with names of branches, click one of them.
*2. This is your character.
*3. By pressing this button, the character will rotate.
*4. This is your character's inventory. Let's say if you bought more than one weapon for the same slot, to change guns, you have to click on the slot and select the gun you want.

NOTE: If you select the gun twice, a message box will come out, saying "Item is already equipped." This might happen when you have a lag.

3. Let's go down and look at the box with additional information.
*1. This is you game money called "Dinars". This box tell you how much dinars you have at the moment. You use them to purchase items in the item shop.
*2. Click on the button "INVENTORY".

  • 1. Click on the "ARMORY" button to see all the weapons that you have bought for all your service branches. The other button called "MISC", will show you all the items that you have bought.

  • 2. These are all your guns that you have.

  • 3. Click on of them to see information about it.

  • 4. You can delete a gun by pressing the "DELETE" button. I personally tell you, not to press that button because you will delete the weapon that you have purchased either from G1 Market Place or Item Shop. If you do, you basicly have wasted your dinars or G1 credits.

  • 5. This message tells you how long you can use your weapon or item before it expires.

  • 6. This shows you full information about your guns.

  • 7. To exit the inventory, click on the "CLOSE" button.

    Buying an item
    4. Now, when we know how to select service branches and how to select weapons, I think it's time for me to show you how to buy an item.
    *1. First of all, choose what you want to buy: items or guns. To buy an item click on the "PX" button on the top part of them item shop. To buy a weapon, click on the "ARMORY" button. Some guns and PX items cannot be bought, unless you have a premium.

    *2.Then choose for what branch you want to buy an item or a weapon.

    *3. Select an item or a gun that you wish to purchase. Make sure before buying an item or a gun, read its information.

    *4. Select how many days you want the gun or item for and click the "BUY" button.

    *5. After that, a window will come out, which will ask you to make your last decision, whether to buy the item or not. This is where you have to make up your mind because once you have bought something, you cannot return it and you will not get a refund. So, choose carefully.

    *6. When you have decided to buy something, another window will come out, saying that you have successfully purchased your item.

To exit the item shop, click on the "CLOSE" button on the top.

Now you know how to navigate through the item shop. Thank you for reading. If you have any questions, contact me through PM or forums.

This tutorial was written by xSkyFli3rx, do NOT leech please. If you do, give credits, thanks.

how to buy a gun in warrock, warrock tutorials, warrock item shop tutorial

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