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Hello Guest, you are reading a WarRock tutorial "Guide to the WarRock interface"
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1. These are your Extra Items that you use in game after you have purchased them. There are a few different ones. The ones I am using are "Bandages" and "SP UP 5%". Bandages will stop you from bleeding out and dieing. SP Up 5% regenerates your SP faster than normal.

2. This is your ammo counter. It goes Ammo in current Magazine / Magazines left.

3. These are your HP and SP. HP stands for Health Points, I pretty much guess you know what it is for... SP stands for action points, every move you do for example: sprinting, rolling and diving all use up your SP.

4. This is the name of your current selected gun.

5. This is the stance that you are currently in. To go into crouch, press "C", to go into prone, press "C" again, while in crouch.

6. Here is the in game chat, to start chatting press the "enter" button. Then you can select the chat, F1 is the team chat, F2 is the overall chat, the enemies can see this chat too, F3 is clan chat.

7. This is the kills board. Here it shows the kills that people have just made, and with what gun.

8. This shows your current server, the room you are in, the name of the room, if it is public or private and also the time left in the match.

9. That is the score board, it shows the current score, the game mode and the team you are on. The team you are on had a outer effect and is highlighted.

10. This is the mini-map. It shows you where you are in the map and its surroundings, for the full map press "T" in game,

11. This is your in game invatory that you have selected for this class. You can use the numbers "1-8" to select the guns, or you can use the scroll button on a mouse.

This tutorial was written by iiTzz_ViRuS, do NOT leech please. If you do, give credits, thanks.

warrock online, guide to the warrock interface, Interface, warrock, TUTORIALS

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